Monday, June 14, 2010

Bionic Humidifier

There are benefits to nurturing this digital flowerpot called Bionic Humidifier. As you guessed it, proper care (regular top-ups of water) will ensure a healthy environment for your space. Tardy persons will be greeted with a dead, limp digital flower, which would have otherwise been blooming and humidifying the room!


Product Opportunities
In this case, based on Yadu Corporation task, we designed and develop a kind of humidifier that could give users emotional experiences. We observed the behavior of potential users of humidifier and stretch out factors related to the interactive emotion and moisture producer.

Design Description
The system of changing air is designed similar to the plant like breathing instead of inlet-outlet system. It makes the output wind more comfortable and also gives the users feeling of natural breeze surrounding. At the same time, it displays the amount of water reserved by flower blooming and withering which is more clear and interesting than digital screen or water level

Creative Point
The concept, a flower-like humidifier, is developed from mother nature where the really moisture givers exist. This bionic humidifier gives users the feeling of growing a flower and the process of generating moisture is designed close to a real flower.

Mechanical Design

Plan1: Mechanical plan

Plan2: Floating ball plan

Plan2: Memory alloys plan (Chosen)

Memory alloys plan's Pro/E analysis

The virtual simulation at Pro/E



Bionic Humidifier by Gonglue Jiang


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